This is all especially valuable for your existing customers, because it is always nice to get a product from your favorite company


Social Media promotion Webmaster CAGE
If a user types in the name of your brand, then, in addition to the home page, your social networks will also appear in the search results

Goals and objectives of SMM

The main goal of SMM, like any marketing or advertising tool, is to increase sales of products and services. In general, with the help of social networks, you can solve many problems; here is some of them.

Increase in website traffic

Used as a step in a sales funnel or as a way to drive traffic to a website. This is often used by news portals to make site numbers look more attractive for any Facebook marketing agency.

When you click on a picture or heading, an article on the site opens Informing about discounts and new products. Promotion of seasonal sales, mailing of special offers through instant messengers ... This is all especially valuable for your existing customers, because it is always nice to get a product from your favorite company at a bargain price.

Appearance in search results

Social networks are indexed by search engines in the same way as the official website. If a user types in the name of your brand, then, in addition to the home page, your social networks will also appear in the search results. The user can subscribe to them and follow you wherever it suits him.

If you are looking for Skillbox on Google, then in addition to the site, Facebook posting services, YouTube and Instagram of the project will appear on the first page Expanding the target audience, increasing brand awareness. New potential customers from any social group can notice you on social media. This is due to the reposts of your subscribers, advertising in groups, targeting and getting into different tops of publications.

Popularization of the views and values ​​of the company. If you participate in charity events and do good deeds, then it is worth talking about it in order to win people over to you.