"Hello! Despite the difficult situation with the ranking algorithms (many sites that were incorrectly promoted were banned), we manage to keep positions in the Top 10 queries in Google by 77%. ”


Affordable search engine optimisation Webmaster CAGE
What`s really most important about a site`s platform from a search engine perspective

This is a quote from an email that an SEO professional sent to one of my clients.

In my opinion, this quote and this particular example very well demonstrate the situation as a whole, as it is now:

  • this situation is unstable, the market is in a fever
  • SEO specialist cannot control the situation
  • the user who pays for it does not understand anything about SEO

Why did this situation arise? Recently, a lot has changed in terms of promotion on the Internet and in the work of search engines. Many SEO users find that the previous promotion methods are no longer as effective. 

Download the book Modeling business processes Indeed, if before there were SEO specialists who could be contacted and with a high degree of probability the result (even without engaging in content, but resorting to "black" promotion methods - a whole market has built up around this), now many of these methods just don't work.

And as a business consultant, I am often asked what to do now in order to bring my sites (or other resources) to the top positions of search engines.

How do I see the solution to this problem? First of all, everyone who uses Affordable search engine optimisation for their Internet resources should independently figure out what SEO is and what are the mechanisms of its work and use the information provided in this article.

I myself, when I started to understand the issues of SEO-promotion, faced with a lack of information, and it was mainly of an advertising nature.

Therefore, in this article I would like to structure the collected material and clarify the understanding of the issues of what SEO is, what are the historical prerequisites of the current situation, what is the current state of affairs and, of course, what are the effective methods of promotion.

This article will be interesting, I hope, both to Habrahabr users and to other users interested in promoting a website on the network.

In this article, by search engines, I mean the main systems in which the majority of users work - Yandex and Google.

What is SEO

A lot of information (mostly of an advertising nature) will come out in search engines for the query “what is SEO”. Some resources, answering this question, quote each other, some give their own definitions of SEO, but this does not add clarity to the question.

What is especially interesting: some resources do not even write “SEO” in English, but “SEO” in Russian, introducing some confusion into the understanding of the issue. This abbreviation is not deciphered in any way, since it is written in Russian letters of the English letter combination, accordingly it does not carry any meaning.

Wikipedia defines SEO as follows:
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of measures for internal and external optimization, to raise the site's position in the search engine results for certain user queries, in order to increase traffic (for information resources) and potential customers (for commercial resources) and the subsequent monetization of this traffic.

I agree with this definition. But for an unprepared user, information from Wikipedia can seem a little complicated and confusing. Here is the definition that I give when explaining this question to my clients:
SEO is any action aimed at bringing your site or any other resource of yours to the top positions of search engines to attract visitors.
Here I am expanding the concept of SEO. This is not only direct promotion of your site, but also indirectly attracting visitors to your site by posting your materials on other Internet resources.

Two types of SEO

Direct SEO is the direct promotion of your own site, when a search engine gives out a link to this site in the results at the request of a visitor.
Indirect SEO is the promotion of your company by posting your materials on other Internet resources in order to subsequently attract visitors to your site. In this case, the result of search results does not lead to your own site, but to someone else's, from where visitors, if they are interested in the information, can go to you.

If the way direct SEO works is clear enough - the search engines themselves write about this, direct SEO services are offered by various specialists and companies, then additional explanations are needed regarding indirect SEO.