In this article, we will discuss Item Asylum VIP server commands and how to use them.


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How to Access Item Asylum VIP Server Commands

Item Asylum VIP is a popular Minecraft server that offers exclusive perks to its VIP members. The server provides various commands that VIP members can use to enhance their gaming experience. These commands are designed to make gameplay more efficient, provide additional protection, and add extra features to the server. In this article, we will discuss Item Asylum VIP server commands and how to use them.

How to Access Item Asylum VIP Server Commands

To access Item Asylum VIP server commands, you need to be a VIP member of the server. Once you have purchased a VIP membership, follow the steps below to access the server commands:

  • Log in to the server using your Minecraft account.
  • Type "/help" in the chat window to display a list of all available commands.
  • To use a command, type the command into the chat window and press "Enter."

Item Asylum VIP Server Commands

Below is a list of Item Asylum VIP server commands that VIP members can use to enhance their gaming experience:

  • /back – Teleports you to your previous location.
  • /feed – Refills your hunger bar to maximum.
  • /heal – Restores your health to maximum.
  • /home – Teleports you to your home location.
  • /ignore [playername] – Ignores messages from the specified player.
  • /kit [kitname] – Gives you the specified kit.
  • /msg [playername] [message] – Sends a private message to the specified player.
  • /tpa [playername] – Requests to teleport to the specified player.
  • /tpaccept – Accepts a teleport request from another player.
  • /tpdeny – Denies a teleport request from another player.
  • /warp [warpname] – Teleports you to the specified warp point.
  • /sethome [homename] – Sets your home location to the specified location.

How to Use Item Asylum VIP Server Commands

Using Item Asylum VIP server commands is relatively easy. To use a command, you need to type it into the chat window and press "Enter." Below are some examples of how to use Item Asylum VIP server commands:

  • To teleport to your home location, type "/home" into the chat window and press "Enter."
  • To refill your hunger bar, type "/feed" into the chat window and press "Enter."
  • To request to teleport to a player named "PlayerName," type "/tpa PlayerName" into the chat window and press "Enter."

Tips for Using Item Asylum VIP Server Commands

  • Familiarize yourself with the commands by reviewing the list of available commands in the "/help" menu.
  • Use the "/ignore" command to block messages from players who may be harassing you.
  • Use the "/tpa" command to request to teleport to other players rather than using the "/tp" command, which can be used to teleport to any location.
  • Set multiple home locations using the "/sethome" command to easily teleport to different locations on the server.


In conclusion, Item Asylum VIP server commands offer a range of benefits to VIP members. These commands can be used to teleport to different locations, refill your hunger bar, restore your health, and more. It is important to familiarize yourself with the available commands and use them carefully to enhance your gaming experience. By utilizing these commands, VIP members can have a more efficient and enjoyable experience on the Item Asylum VIP Minecraft server.