Vintage story server commands
Vintage Story is a sandbox game with a focus on survival, exploration, and building.
In this article, we will discuss Vintage Story server commands and their usage.

It has a thriving community of players who enjoy playing on servers with other people. Vintage Story server commands are essential for server administrators and players to manage the server effectively. In this article, we will discuss Vintage Story server commands and their usage.
What are Vintage Story Server Commands? Vintage Story server commands are a set of tools used to manage and modify the behavior of a Vintage Story server. These commands can only be used by server administrators, and they require the use of the server console or in-game chat.
How to Access the Vintage Story Server Console
To access the Vintage Story server console, you need to have access to the server machine or be granted access by the server administrator. Once you have access, follow the steps below to access the server console:
- Open the command prompt on Windows or terminal on Linux/Mac.
- Navigate to the folder where the server files are located.
- Run the command "mono VintagestoryServer.exe -nogui" to start the server without a graphical user interface.
- Once the server is running, you can access the console by typing "help" or "listcommands" in the command prompt/terminal.
Vintage Story Server Commands
There are various Vintage Story server commands that you can use to manage the server. Below is a list of some of the most common server commands:
- /help – Displays a list of all available commands and their usage.
- /list – Displays a list of all players currently connected to the server.
- /kick [playername] [reason] – Kicks a player from the server with the specified reason.
- /ban [playername] [reason] – Bans a player from the server with the specified reason.
- /unban [playername] – Unbans a player from the server.
- /tp [playername] [x] [y] [z] – Teleports a player to the specified location.
- /give [playername] [item] [amount] – Gives a player a specified item with the specified amount.
- /time set [hour] – Sets the server time to the specified hour.
- /gamemode [playername] [gamemode] – Sets the player's gamemode to the specified gamemode (creative or survival).
- /whitelist [add/remove] [playername] – Adds or removes a player from the server's whitelist.
How to Use Vintage Story Server Commands
Using Vintage Story server commands is relatively easy. To use a command, you need to enter it into the server console or in-game chat. Below are some examples of how to use Vintage Story server commands:
- To kick a player from the server with the reason "spamming," type "/kick PlayerName spamming" into the server console or in-game chat.
- To teleport a player named "PlayerName" to the location X:100, Y:70, Z:200, type "/tp PlayerName 100 70 200" into the server console or in-game chat.
- To give a player named "PlayerName" 10 iron ingots, type "/give PlayerName iron_ingot 10" into the server console or in-game chat.
Tips for Using Vintage Story Server Commands
- Always double-check the spelling of player names and command syntax before executing a command.
- Be careful when using the /ban command, as it will permanently ban a player from the server.
- Use the /list command frequently to monitor who is connected to the server.
- Use the /time set command to set the server time to the appropriate time zone for your server's location.
In conclusion, Vintage Story server commands are a crucial tool for managing and modifying the behavior of a Vintage Story server. These commands can be used to kick or ban players, teleport players to specific locations, set the server time, and much more. It is essential to use these commands carefully and double-check the spelling of player names and command syntax before executing a command. With the knowledge and proper use of Vintage Story server commands, server administrators and players can have a more enjoyable and efficient gaming experience.